People make promises on an everyday basis without thinking about it. However, in the business world this can turn out to be a huge legal headache. There is a big difference between an empty statement and one that carries legal weight. If you are in a business...
A Civil Litigator Focused On Efficient And Cost-Effective Solutions
Month: October 2020
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Understanding testamentary capacity
It is very difficult for anybody to challenge a will. Generally speaking, the courts are reluctant to try and change somebody’s final wishes, given that the person in question is no longer around to speak for himself or herself. In fact, about 99% of all wills go...
Should you try an alternative dispute resolution method?
Georgia business owners like you want to avoid conflict and disputes where possible. Unfortunately, disputes are a part of owning a business and are sometimes unavoidable. What can you do in a situation where you cannot solve a dispute on your own? You can go for...