If you are a construction contractor, you may encounter difficulty receiving your pay in a timely manner. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the construction industry is worth over a trillion dollars, and yet this remains a common issue in the sector. Georgia's...
A Civil Litigator Focused On Efficient And Cost-Effective Solutions
Month: February 2021
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Do I need a probate lawyer?
If somebody has died and this person named you in his or her estate, you may be looking at a lengthy probate process. One of the most common questions for persons in this position is whether or not they need to hire a probate lawyer. Strictly speaking, there is no...
Does a contract have to be in writing?
What the law considers a legally binding contract can become a difficult legal matter very quickly. In fact, it is likely not unrealistic to presuppose that individuals and corporations alike have spent billions of dollars on this very question. Most business owners...